Accademia di Ungheria in Roma Palazzo Falconeri, Via Giulia 1 – Roma December 6, 2024 — until February 28, 2025 Opening 19:30
SAND STORMS IN MEDIO MUNDI I-III opening event and artist talk
Kunsthalle Lottozero, Via Arno 10, Prato (IT) opening June 13 until July 28, 2024 Artist Talk 17:30
Art Istanbul Feshane, Istanbul (Turchia) October 10 until 11 December, 2023
Majlis Talks: Threading Through Design
Tuesday, Feb 28, 2023 Majlis Talks, curated by Mahnaz Fancy
(UN)COMMON THREADS by DESIGNEAST — A textile art show presented in partnership with ALSERKAL AVENUE
A1 Warehouse in Alserkal Avenue, Dubai, February 26 until 5th March, 2023
The Time of Discretion – An extract from my short documentary
Produced in association with Magis Produzioni Edited by Barbara de Mori Camera, Sound, Voice Over by Lisa Mara Batacchi Musics by Sajncho Namtčylak, Stefano Maurizi English Language 24′ Lengh
The Time of Discretion – Book Presentation
June 22, 2021 at 5.30pm MAD Murate Art District, Sala Ketty La Rocca, Piazza delle Murate, 10 – 50100 Firenze
Lottozero Open Club – A New Balance
October 12, 2020 at 6pm LOTTOZERO, Via Arno, 10 – 59100 Prato
The Time of Discretion – The Book
2020 Softcover, 152 pages, 70 illustrations, 19 x 23,5 cm Published by Silvana Editoriale Edited by Veronica Caciolli In English
Il Filo della Discrezione – A Documentary on my Research in China and Mongolia
June 2, 2020 at 6.10pm on TV on Geo, Rai3
Global Identities. Postcolonial and Cross-Cultural Narratives
2019 Softcover, 160 pages, 14,5 × 22 cm Published by Mousse Publishing, Milan Edited by Valentina Gensini, Anna Triandafillydo In English, Italian
Il Concetto Sospeso
September 20 – January 10, 2019 Opening at 6pm Yurta Relazioni Culturali, Via dei manufatti 1 – Loc. Sentino, Rapolano Terme, Siena Curated by Carles Marco, Alba Ibánez
Something Else – Off Biennale Cairo
Darb 1718, Il Cairo, 1 November – 16 December, 2018 Opening 1 November 2018 fro 5 pm to 11 pm
Art & Connectography: Remapping the Global World through Art
June 16, 2018 – July 1, 2018 Manifesta Collateral Event Kaoz – Via Francesco Riso, 55 – Palermo, PA Italy
The Time of Discretion. Chapter One – Solo Show
June 8 – July 21, 2018 Opening Thursday June 7, 2018 at 6pm Le Murate. Progetti Arte Contemporanea, Piazza delle Murate, Firenze Solo show The time of discretion by Lisa Batacchi, curated by Veronica Caciolli
Collaboration for an Educational Project with Palazzo Strozzi
The “Collective Identity” project is dedicated to Florence’s art students and stems from the idea of using the exhibition “Birth of a Nation. Between Guttuso, Fontana and Schifano” as a field of analysis and work aimed at the production of new works of art.
Remembering the Future
10 – 19 May 2017 Arts & Globalization Pavillion, Palazzo Rossini, Campo Manin, 30124 Venice
Sviluppo Irregolare di un Poliedro nello Spazio
Opening Saturday, June 11th open untill June 13t, 2016 Via Sant’Agostino 6, Treviso
Work In Progress Residency at TAC Museum (Textile Center for the Arts)
Happy that I have been chosen, will be in NY from the 27th March till the 30th April! Work in Progress (WiP) is a window into the studio practice of contemporary artists and designers that engages the public in a dialogue with the field of textiles. Visit WiP in the Textile Arts Center Manhattan studio
Studi Festival #2
A project curated by Vincenzo Chiarandà e Anna Stuart Tovini (Premiata Ditta), Claudio Corfone, Rebecca Moccia. 5 days of festival-more than 50 artists studios open around the city-more than 100 free events in 5 days-more than 300 artists involved!
No Place
A project curated by Umberto Cavenago. Started from a core group of 16 authors, the rhizome of NO PLACE has already involved over 250 artists, called to bring a trace of itself in the form of works that live in “own light” (light installations, interventions visible on smartphones, tablets, computer, lightbox etc.), populating the castle
Re-Birth Day. Io Vedo, Io Guardo
Group show curated by Annalisa Cattani, Novella Guerra, Imola Opening 20th Dec. 2015
Arte Presente
A project curated by Valeria Farill (Forward) Multiple items, a photographs, but also exclusive performances. Here is the first edition of #ArtePresente, a Christmas campaign for a possible collecting. 21 artists connected to Tuscany offering works of quality at affordable prices, from 20 to 250 Euros. From December 8 to 31 make a contemporary art
Zòon > Pop Uppa
Curated by Luca Scarabelli and Samuele Menin Zòon: Linda Alborghetti/Marco Bellini, Lisa Batacchi, Lorenza Boisi, Giuseppe Buffoli, Carlo Buzzi, Mirko Canesi, Sergio Limonta, Vera Portatadino, Daniela Sandroni, Stefano Serusi, Attilio Tono. Pop Uppa: Michele Lombardelli, Samuele Menin, Giancarlo Norese, Luca Scarabelli
performance program Oct. 16-19 2015: Friday 16 Lisa Batacchi 14.30-16.30 / Giulia Filippi 17.00-19.00
Missing Masses #11. Oltrecittà
Group show curated by Giacomo Bazzani. Artists: Filippo Basetti, Lisa Batacchi, Chiara Bettazzi, Francesca Catastini, Federico Cavallini, Vittorio Cavallini, Leone Contini, Federico Gori, Valentina Lapolla, Rachel Morellet, Mona Mohagheghi, Olga Pavlenko, Eva Sauer, Justin Randolph Thompson, Enrico Vezzi.
Nuovi Animali Sociali
A project curated by Valentina Gioia Levy. Ambiental installation, performance, workshop of: Lisa Batacchi – Elena Bellantoni & Mariana Ferratto – Simone Bertugno – Anita Calà with studio A3P – Stefano Canto –Girolamo Marri – Luana Perilli – Filippo Riniolo.
Soulmates (Within Time) #2
Solo show, curated by Sumesh Sharma. Movin’Up prize GAi – Giovani Artisti Italiani Residency: 15 May – 16 June 2015 Clark House Initiative, c/o RBT Group, Ground Floor, Clark House building, Colaba 8 Nathalal Parekh Marg (Old Wodehouse Road), Bombay 400039.
The Wall (Archives)#10
a project by Pietro Gaglianò Assab One, Via privata Assab 1, Milano
Terranauti. Quelli che Vanno, Quelli che Restano, Quelli che Tornano
Group show curated by Ilaria Mariotti & Angelika Stepken Artists: Francesca Banchelli, Lisa Batacchi, Francesca Catastini, Gabriele Dini, Alexis Leandro Estrella, Lek Gjeloshi, Mona Mohagheghi, Olga Pavlenko, Eugenia Vanni
The Wall (archives)#9
A project by Pietro Gaglianò. Casa Sponge/Palazzo Giannini, Pergola (PU) From Dic. 20th to Jan. 1st, 2015
Victoria’s Recipes
A project by Lisa Batacchi within Victoria’s secret (Solo show) curated by Federica Forti. Royal Victoria Hotel, Lungarno Pacinotti 12, Pisa
Victoria’s Recipes
A project by Lisa Batacchi within ORIENTamenti (reshaping past traditions) a multidisciplinary art platform idea by Wafa Hourani
Soulmates (Within Time) #1
Solo show, curated by Ermanno Cristini. Riss(e), Zentrum, Via S. Pedrino 4, Varese
The Celebration of the Living (Who Reflect Upon Death)
5th edition, San Cesario di Lecce, IT, Oct. 25 to dawn of Nov. 2, 2014 The edition of 2014 was realized within the with the Free Home University with the partecipation of Mattia Pellegrini, Davide Ricco, Sara Alberani, Luca Musacchio, Sarah Ciracì, Gianluca Marinelli, Matteo Greco, Roberto Tenace, Carlo Marchetti, Lisa Batacchi
Terranauti #Prologo
Navigating in the art system: dialogues with international curators, gallerists and a museum director Villa Romana, Via Senese 68, Firenze . Saturday, 1 Nov. at 10.00 a.m.
A Game not yet Aware
A partecipated performance by Lisa Batacchi invited to partecipate to Barbara De Ponti ‘Geografie’ project VIR, viafarini in residence Via Farini 35, Milano.
Reduction from River to Stream
ASD Canottieri Comunali, Lungarno Ferrucci, 4 Florence – From Sept. 12 to Sept. 14, 2014, (From 5 to 8 pm). A public art project by Lisa Batacchi, curated by FORWARD
Più Arte per Tutti
Promoted by SomethingLikeThis, Outarte & Di tutto di più. Sincresis di Alessandra Scappini, Via della Repubblica, 52/54 Empoli (Firenze) From 4-5 Sept. 2014 With: Lapo Binazzi (UFO), Claudio Parrini, Lisa Batacchi, Giancarlo Norese, Raffaello Becucci
Meglio Mangiare Poco Tutti i Giorni che Tanto Una Volta al Mese
Curated by SomethingLikeThis & Outarte. “Di tutto di più”, Montelupo Fiorentino, Via del Lavoro 6, Zona industriale. From 1-4 May 2014 With: Lapo Binazzi (UFO), Claudio Parrini, Lisa Batacchi, Giancarlo Norese, Filippo Falaguasta, Raffaello Becucci, Mattia Pellegrini, Luca Musacchio, Francesco Galluzzi, Caterina Pecchioli
Motivi di Famiglia
SPAC spazi pubblici arte contemporanea, Villa di Toppo Florio, Udine Curated by Paolo Toffolutti
In Occasion of the Exhibition “Gelosia”
(collaborative art project by Emilio Fantin, Luigi Negro, Giancarlo Norese, Cesare Pietroiusti and Luigi Presicce) at KMD | Kunsthalle Marcel Duchamp, Cully, Switzerland, April 26 – June 8 2014
Lisa Batacchi, da Palmaria a Ponza
Storie di isole e di isolani. My video on Artibune TV with an article by Helga Marsala 23 March 2014
Incontri ad Eèa
Curated by Maria Ida Gaeta. Casa delle Letterature, Piazza dell’Orologio, Roma With: Lisa Batacchi, Lorenzo Bueno, Paolo Canevari, Fabrizio Cicero, Alberto Di Fabio, Valentina Lara Garbagnati, Samuele Menin, Angelo Mosca, Lindsey Nobel, Robert Pettena, Marina Paris, Pietro Marcozzi Rozzi.
Dimenticare quel Corso Artificiale di Pensieri
Casabianca, Via Pepoli 12, Zola Pedrosa (BO). 23 Feb, 2014 Lisa Mara Batacchi, Filippo Falaguasta, Alessandro Laita, Gian Maria Tosatti, Virginia Zanetti
Finte Nature. Una Scena Artistica Toscana
Curated by Giacomo Bazzani. Mac,n museum of contemporary and modern art, Villa Renatico Martini, Monsummano Terme. Opening 21 Sept. 2013
Incontri ad Eèa
Residency program curated by Alberto Di Fabio, Alessandro Buganza, Eszter Csillag, Federica Forti. Isola di Ponza. Opening 13 July 2013
The Wall (Archives) #8 – Beyond the Railway
B.go Loreto/SP, Cremona. 27 June 2013 – A project by Pietro Gaglianò
A First Step Towards Coincidences & Meetings Part V
b-a-d piazza Crispi, 10 Pietrasanta (LU). May 11, 2013 Lisa Batacchi,Tony Fiorentino, Simone Ialongo, Pierfabrizio Paradiso, Virginia Zanettii.
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